Tuesday 10 January 2012

Ideas for final piece

As we were progressing through are animatic storyboard, we were still thinking about different ways the mise en scene could change the way the audience listen and think about this piece of music. One idea which we had was the conventional instruments for example a real guitars and instruments. But as this song is upbeat and joyful we thought that these types of instruments wouldn’t keep to the conventional joyful music so we had another idea which would be where we had playful instruments for example a cardboard cut out guitar.

Having instruments which aren’t real makes the music video flow better because this means that it doesn’t matter if the person playing the instruments isn’t good at it as this will add to the playfulness of the song.

We also decided to film the performance parts of the music video in the threate at our collage as this gives a believable concert feel to the music video.

Another idea we had to give our performance parts of our music video a concert feel is to have a first person starting for example a real person entering the concert and sitting down which I feel will make the audience watching the music video feel like they are actually there making the music video feel more personal to them.

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