Thursday 26 January 2012

Another idea for Digipak

This is another initial design for the digipak. We have decided to make a variety of different ideas so we can choose the one which we think will suit the music video and the song the best. In this digipak there is the three band members their which will be on the fron cover and as you turn over the page you wil have the same stance and people just from the back of their heads. I liked this idea as it shows the playful side of the music. And on the back of the digipak i have put the main singer on his own with the lyrics 'I sell popcorn' at the top because this is part od the song which also has the main song of the album and the one we will be making a music video for. On the right side in side i have left it blank as we thought that we could just use a black or white background to make the CD stand out more.

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