Saturday 14 January 2012

1st Session of Recording

In our first session of recording we started with moving the tables from the front of the threate to the sides so when filming you couldn't see anything which wasn't supposed to be in the shot. Then I went to the music department to ask for someone to adjust the lights in the threate to look like a proper music concert. The colours of lights we used were blue and red, we used these colours because these colours are easy to manipulate using the iMovie program on the Macs.
As we was filming we had a laptop which was connected to the audio cable which is connected to the speakers around the threate. We did this for two reasons which were to make sure the drummer and guitarist know what they will have to mimic in the song, and the other reason was so that when re-watching the clips and cutting them together we know what part of the music video is where.

The final shots of some of the performance music video are alright but we will need to touch the shots up using some of the software on the iMovie program.

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