Sunday 12 February 2012

This picture is a scan from a music magazine which I was looking through for album posters like this one. This poster has all the conventions of usual album posters because of the Album name which is This Is Music - The Singles 92-98 which is important in all album posters. Other conventions of all posters are the name of the band which is the Verve, others information on the poster is when the album is out on sale, a song which is featured in the album in this case ‘This Could Be My Moment’. This is helpful for selling an album because people might see the song on the poster which would make them buy the whole album which would help them sell the not so good songs on the album with the number one hit. There is also a website which is linked to the poster to show people where to go for further information. The main object which draws me to this advert is the name ‘Verve’ in the middle of the poster which is coloured in a florescent red to make it stand out from the background which I think works with the whole scenery. I also like how the have added a touch of mystery in this poster as there are three or four people on the top of the mountain looking down which could be the band or somebody else better than them representing that this is a good album as they are looking down on it.

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